Grand Marnier

Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge, a cognac-based orange liqueur, enjoys an exclusive and inimitable status worlwide. The cognac used in production is aged at Chateau de Bourg, in the heart of the Charente region. Grand Manier Cordon Rouge is actually produced at Neauphle-le-Chateau. After lengthy maceration followed by distillation, the orange peels yield a flavoured spirit that, when carefully proportioned and blended with the cognac and sugar syrup, will produce Grand Manier Cordon Rouge. Subsequently, successive heating and cooling processes produce the constants necessary for stabilizing the degree of alcohol wherever the final destination of the product (hot or cold climates). Last but not least, prior to bottling, Grand Manier Cordon Rouge is aged in oak casks and is carefully filtered several times.

The following recipes on this site use Grand Marnier:

Leap Year
gin, sweet vermouth, Grand Marnier, lemon juice,
Satan's Whiskers
gin, dry vermouth, sweet vermouth, orange juice, Grand Marnier, orange bitters,